Hello, my name is Lauri Wuolio. I make drum-and-bell music with acoustic and electronic instruments, while writing on echosophy.

Newest release

  • UOYMAI (single, 2023)

Latest posts

  • My definition of Echo

    Wikipedia defines echo like this: In audio signal processing and acoustics, an echo is a reflection of sound that arrives at the listener with a delay after…

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  • Re: What Is an Echo?

    What is an echo? A shift in time, a disintegrating waveform record of time and space, a return of an…

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  • Altered Spaces, Altered States

    When I write that a sound is more delicate than a theoretical concept, I mean that it contains information about…

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  • Echo and the Eye

    An echo is our own perception of a returning wave. Listening to it is hearing our own hearing happening somewhere,…

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About me

Sound is the most inspiring way I know to connect with direct experience. By listening attentively, we tune into being in both time and space.

I enjoy creating acoustic and electronic sounds that appear in real and imagined spaces. Echo and reverb are important practical and conceptual tools that keep shaping my thinking and art.

I studied sound art at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts and have been studying the philosophy of religion at the University of Helsinki since 2020. I also work as a spatial experience specialist at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

I create music as Kumea Sound and release it through Future Rust, my own cupola (handpan) music label.